Between 1st and 7nd March 2024, the streamer ElRubius held a building contest with prices worth 30.000€. You can find the contest rules and details over here. The communication was a bit chaotic and shared between different platforms like X, discord and Twitch. Congratulations to all nominees and winners! And to all other participants let me quote Keen Games here:
Also a build not being chosen does not mean it was not good or "not enough" The judges just simply got so many insanely good builds that a lot of them needed to be left out, even though they were insanely good. Realistically we were blown away by probably like 5x more builds than the number of winners that can be chosen, so good builds had to be left out by just... Simple math. Doesn't mean the judges didn't think those builds were good, or didn't look at them or understand them or whatever. It's just not easy to choose the "best" builds when so many of them are this good.
Toast / Keen Games

Here are all the nominees and a final list in winning order. This list is created with official published data. If you dont want be shown in this list - send me a DM in discord, on twitter or via email! If you want to SHARE your savegame file (open links in new tab), also let me know! Also text me if you found an error.
Shameless self-promotion: This was my entry. =)